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Live Event

Total Credits: 6

Topic Areas:
Continuing Legal Education |  Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Governmental Regulations Relevant to Chiropractic and Public Health |  Neurology |  Other Topics Within the Chiropractic Scope of Practice |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology |  X-ray/Diagnostic Imaging
Renton, Washington
Short Description:
Join Coast Injury Medicine and the WSCA for a comprehensive, medical-legal seminar featuring an array of expert providers and attorneys.  Topic details coming soon, but this event is designed for providers and attorneys alike.  6.5 CEs will be available for chiropractors and we are applying for approval of 6.5 MCLE credits for attorneys.

Sat, Jan 25, 2025 - 09:00am to 05:00pm PST

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5

Topic Areas:
Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Dietary and Nutrition Advice |  Neurology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Mark Murdock, or Aspen Laser, presents Therapeutic Lasers.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 2.25

Topic Areas:
Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Dietary and Nutrition Advice |  Neurology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Mark Murdock, or Aspen Laser, presents Therapeutic Lasers.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5

Topic Areas:
Adjustive Technique |  Chiropractic Philosophy |  Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Governmental Regulations Relevant to Chiropractic and Public Health |  Neurology |  Pathology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology |  X-ray/Diagnostic Imaging
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Dr. Kimberly Palmer-Yee presents How to be Legislatively Savvy and Why it's Important. Dr. Sarah Kotlerman presents Cervical Ligament Instability.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5

Topic Areas:
Chiropractic Philosophy |  Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Neurology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Dr. Robert Perkes presents The Placebo Effect: Our Best Adjustments are Between the Ears. Dr. Paul Reed presents The Bigness Within: Five Anchors to Improved Patient Outcomes. Dr. Ron Wilcox presents Clinical Compass and Emerging Chiropractic Research.

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