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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5

Topic Areas:
Adjustive Technique |  Chiropractic Philosophy |  Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Governmental Regulations Relevant to Chiropractic and Public Health |  Neurology |  Pathology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology |  X-ray/Diagnostic Imaging
Audio and Video
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Dr. Kimberly Palmer-Yee presents How to be Legislatively Savvy and Why it's Important. Dr. Sarah Kotlerman presents Cervical Ligament Instability.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5

Topic Areas:
Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Dietary and Nutrition Advice |  Pathology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Dr. Robert Silverman presents this exploration of the Gut-Joint Connection and its role in musculoskeletal conditions.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5

Topic Areas:
Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Dietary and Nutrition Advice |  Pathology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Dr. Robert Silverman presents this exploration of the Gut-Joint Connection and its role in musculoskeletal conditions.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1

Topic Areas:
Neurology |  Pathology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology
Audio and Video
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Dr. Thomas McKnight, presents Genetic Health in Primary Prevention: A New Frontier for Chiropractic Physicians in this 1 hour program.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 2

Topic Areas:
Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Neurology |  Pathology |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Associate Research Scientist and Chiropractor at the Yale School of Medicine, Dr. Anthony Lisi, presents this two-hour program originally presented at the 2019 WSCA Annual Conference which includes a detailed review of the current evidence on common lumbar spine pathological conditions, clinical assessment and triage, and guidelines for clinical practice.  This is advanced-level content aimed at a target audience of chiropractic clinicians who manage patients with lumbar spine complaints.

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