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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5

Topic Areas:
Governmental Regulations Relevant to Chiropractic and Public Health |  Orthopedics |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Dr. Chad Hurst presents Creating a Thriving Practice by Creating Chiropractic Fans. Dr. Mark Jones presents Medicare Dos and Don'ts. Dr. Robert Perkes presents Happy Hips: Evaluation and Treatment.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 2

Topic Areas:
Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Governmental Regulations Relevant to Chiropractic and Public Health |  Neurology |  Orthopedics |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology |  X-ray/Diagnostic Imaging
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this program, featuring Dr. Dan Dock and presented by Rayus Radiology, you'll learn about sciatica and differential assessement. Dr. Dock will be joined throughout the program by several guest contributors who will discuss regenerative medicine and pathology, as well as injections and record keeping.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 2

Topic Areas:
Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Neurology |  Orthopedics |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology |  X-ray/Diagnostic Imaging |  Governmental Regulations Relevant to Chiropractic and Public Health
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this program, featuring Dr. Dan Dock and presented by Rayus Radiology, you'll learn about sciatica and differential assessement. Dr. Dock will be joined throughout the program by several guest contributors who will discuss regenerative medicine and pathology, as well as injections and record keeping.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 2

Topic Areas:
Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Governmental Regulations Relevant to Chiropractic and Public Health |  Neurology |  Orthopedics |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology |  X-ray/Diagnostic Imaging
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this program, featuring Dr. Dan Dock and presented by Rayus Radiology, you'll learn about sciatica and differential assessement. Dr. Dock will be joined throughout the program by several guest contributors who will discuss regenerative medicine and pathology, as well as injections and record keeping.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 2

Topic Areas:
Detection of Subluxation |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Governmental Regulations Relevant to Chiropractic and Public Health |  Neurology |  Orthopedics |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology |  X-ray/Diagnostic Imaging
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this program, featuring Dr. Dan Dock and presented by Rayus Radiology, you'll learn about sciatica and differential assessement. Dr. Dock will be joined throughout the program by several guest contributors who will discuss regenerative medicine and pathology, as well as injections and record keeping.

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On Demand

Total Credits: 2

Topic Areas:
Adjustive Technique |  Diagnosis and Treatment of the Spine or Extremities |  Orthopedics |  Patient/Case Management, Documentation, and Coding |  Physical Examination |  Symptomatology
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Attendees will learn the current research on kinesiology taping, research limitations, and application principles based on reserach studies, as well as develop an understanding of the physical characteristics of kinesiology tape and how these characteristics affect its applicant and therapeutic capability.

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